
WSTC Commissioners

Eric Olson

WSTC Commissioner

Eric Olson was elected to a four-year term on the Prince George’s County Council in the November 2022 General Election and represents Councilmanic District 3. For more than two decades, Council Member Olson has been a leader in local smart growth and community development. He previously represented Councilmanic District 3 from 2006 to 2014, serving two years as Council Vice Chair (2011 & 2012), and two years as Chair of the Transportation, Housing and Environment Committee (2010 & 2011). His work helped facilitate more than $450 million in new smart growth redevelopment, bike trails, playgrounds, and resulted in strong stormwater protections, renewable energy, and advanced the Purple Line. He also addressed nuisance abatement, curtailed the proliferation of pawn shops and adult entertainment near neighborhoods, increased security at all-night businesses, and addressed youth and gang violence. Council Member Olson previously served as an elected member of the College Park City Council (1997-2006) and as Executive Director of the nonprofit College Park City-University Partnership (2014-2022). His prior work includes directing the national Sierra Club’s “Healthy Communities Campaign” from 2003-2006 and serving as Deputy Director of the election reform nonprofit FairVote, from 1999-2003. From 1995-1999, he served on the Capitol Hill staff of former Congressman and now Senator Bernie Sanders (I-Vt). He is a graduate of the University of Maryland (M.A., American Studies, ’95) and Elmira College (B.A., History, ’92). Council Member Eric Olson lives in College Park with his wife, Sarah Treado, and two daughters. He is (very slowly) section hiking the Appalachian Trail, and is a lyricist for local Americana band, Paint Branch Creek.